“Raised as a healer and to care for living things, Lily has led an innocent and protected life. Now however the winds of war are stirring and she has been selected to go out with her warrior kin for the first time. Her naivety will be sorely tested in the days to come as she will face things never before seen in her sheltered days. Whilst young and yet to experience hardship, there is a strength of character and power within that the coming challenges are sure to bring to the fore.”
12,998 triangles.
Blog about the design process: https://blog.sketchfab.com/art-spotlight-lily-goldheart/
Based off the Illustration of her made by John Stone: https://john-stone-art.deviantart.com/art/Lily-Goldheart-650579136
Updated 4-8-18 (Dress)
Skymarch Entertainment © 2017
Lily Goldheart